With things starting to settle down some in my life I feel like I can get this blog back on track and get out of it what I want.
Up front the last week and a half has not been easy. I do have to be thankful that the most recent events in my life happened over the course of my Vacation and leading up to my vacation. If not for it happening now I really don't know how I would have been able to cope with things or even how I would have been able to sort them out.
It has been amazing, since my mom went into the hospital, how people have really opened up a lot of time and effort to ensure that my son and I have been in the proper frame of mind to deal with things and to continue moving forward through the massive changes that have taken place in my life over the last few weeks.
To everyone that has offered me help I thank them greatly, it has meant a lot to me and my family over the last little while.
Something that I wanted to touch on that I have begun to notice is the massive decline in some of the associated costs of life. Best example being my food bill. I have noticed that it has halved, in some cases comes up even less, and I'm actually buying food for the future, not just for immediate use. I am able to pre-plan things and store some stuff away for another time. I've got food in my fridge that won't be used for over a week from now and its still amazing me. When I was still together with my wife and her kids the food that was being bought was for use that week, it would last through the week and like clock work we would have to head to the grocery store on Sunday and get more food. I'm still in the habit of going to the grocery store on Sunday but at this point there are a few things that are for use now and then there is another mindset that is stuff that can be used in the future. Some of the stuff that is on sale that I picked up I know will be used but it may not be for a week or more, its stored away. Its something that I honestly didn't expect and didn't expect myself to get into or even see myself doing. I can see a horizon out of this as well, my little man has school coming up in September and there will be things that I need to get on a more regular basis in order to feed him for school but at the same time buying a thing of juice boxes means that he will have enough to last him for two weeks, buying 2 packages of juice boxes will cover him for an entire month....asounding and unexpected. I see where the money in this area is being saved and where it opens up so much more possibilities in how my money will be able to work for me.
Related to all of this with the money and the groceries I was in a mindset that was very restrictive. Dealing with money was a very precise thing in the past with my wife and the attached family, now I am able to think more 3 dimensional with it. I will be able to put more away and put more toward debt and releasing myself from my credit card that is stuck in collections. Its going to be a bit of a slow process to get that dealt with but I have confidence that it will get worked out and that I will be able to see that diminish over the course of the next couple of months.
I'm going to leave this post here for the moment. There is more depth I want to get into on the opening up of assets but as I am still working out logistics dealing with my family I think it best to leave this post as is. There is more to come and more to be talked about, in time.
For now,

Up front the last week and a half has not been easy. I do have to be thankful that the most recent events in my life happened over the course of my Vacation and leading up to my vacation. If not for it happening now I really don't know how I would have been able to cope with things or even how I would have been able to sort them out.
It has been amazing, since my mom went into the hospital, how people have really opened up a lot of time and effort to ensure that my son and I have been in the proper frame of mind to deal with things and to continue moving forward through the massive changes that have taken place in my life over the last few weeks.
To everyone that has offered me help I thank them greatly, it has meant a lot to me and my family over the last little while.
Something that I wanted to touch on that I have begun to notice is the massive decline in some of the associated costs of life. Best example being my food bill. I have noticed that it has halved, in some cases comes up even less, and I'm actually buying food for the future, not just for immediate use. I am able to pre-plan things and store some stuff away for another time. I've got food in my fridge that won't be used for over a week from now and its still amazing me. When I was still together with my wife and her kids the food that was being bought was for use that week, it would last through the week and like clock work we would have to head to the grocery store on Sunday and get more food. I'm still in the habit of going to the grocery store on Sunday but at this point there are a few things that are for use now and then there is another mindset that is stuff that can be used in the future. Some of the stuff that is on sale that I picked up I know will be used but it may not be for a week or more, its stored away. Its something that I honestly didn't expect and didn't expect myself to get into or even see myself doing. I can see a horizon out of this as well, my little man has school coming up in September and there will be things that I need to get on a more regular basis in order to feed him for school but at the same time buying a thing of juice boxes means that he will have enough to last him for two weeks, buying 2 packages of juice boxes will cover him for an entire month....asounding and unexpected. I see where the money in this area is being saved and where it opens up so much more possibilities in how my money will be able to work for me.
Related to all of this with the money and the groceries I was in a mindset that was very restrictive. Dealing with money was a very precise thing in the past with my wife and the attached family, now I am able to think more 3 dimensional with it. I will be able to put more away and put more toward debt and releasing myself from my credit card that is stuck in collections. Its going to be a bit of a slow process to get that dealt with but I have confidence that it will get worked out and that I will be able to see that diminish over the course of the next couple of months.
I'm going to leave this post here for the moment. There is more depth I want to get into on the opening up of assets but as I am still working out logistics dealing with my family I think it best to leave this post as is. There is more to come and more to be talked about, in time.
For now,
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