Another in a series of topics that I'd like to delve into with more depth later on but at current rate am only setting up. You see how I'm doing that right, like a good run of TV shows, you set up things at some point, let the viewers forget about it then out of nowhere pull a swerve and jump into a new storyline with a long forgotten topic.
Well that's not exactly how I'm doing things, its mostly off the cuff, written as I see fit, when I see fit.
So...where am I going??
This is in life, not as in right now (that would be quite obvious I should think).
The above question is something that everyone does have to eventually ask themselves at some point in their life. For single fathers (and mothers...this is an equal opportunity question mind you) this can come much quicker than you expect.
If you're already in a career then you may not have a lot to think about, if you like your career and it wasn't a 'help with the income cause you have to do something' type of job then your good to go. If, on the other hand, it was just a 'help with the income for lack of anything else to do' then you may be in trouble.
As for myself the life of a security guard is not very glamorous, has not benefits and not really any upward future. It is very much a dead end job that is best for old retired military men needing to get away from their wives for a few hours or fresh faced young adults who've just graduated from a college Corrections course or Police Foundations and need something to show they have been 'paying their dues' before getting pulled into a police academy.
For me, someone with a Television/Video diploma this is really not providing me any benifit at all.
So what options do I have?? I have taken a look at the local Job Bank and aside from knowing there is slim pickings it also shows me that just about anything I get at this point is going to be as dead end as what I am doing now.
There is the back to school option for something else but with that I have a two fold problem, ensuring that my school doesn't conflict with my son's school schedule, there is also the problem of OSAP and getting funded for going back to school.
At this point going back to school is out. I'm honestly not fully sure what I'd take if I did go back.
There is online and correspondence schooling, that is a better option but again there is the issue of funding/paying for it as with my current job things are already sliced toward the thin side of things.
Can't move too far forward in a job unless you have the proper schooling in order to show that you have the upper qualifications in order to advance.
Perhaps this is where a juggling act comes into play. Doing what you have to do to keep the costs of life as low as possible in order to get the funds aside you need to get back to school, while at the same time keeping your current job and maintaining a healthy relationship with friends and family all the while paying off the recurring bills you have.
Again this comes back to the job. If you don't have a job that will allow you to take home something each paycheck that can be put away then you will encounter a lot of problems in moving yourself forward.
I hope I've put something out there to be though about. I know that in reality this is only just scratching the surface and that it is a topic that can easily come up and be deepened in more posts to come.

Well that's not exactly how I'm doing things, its mostly off the cuff, written as I see fit, when I see fit.
So...where am I going??
This is in life, not as in right now (that would be quite obvious I should think).
The above question is something that everyone does have to eventually ask themselves at some point in their life. For single fathers (and mothers...this is an equal opportunity question mind you) this can come much quicker than you expect.
If you're already in a career then you may not have a lot to think about, if you like your career and it wasn't a 'help with the income cause you have to do something' type of job then your good to go. If, on the other hand, it was just a 'help with the income for lack of anything else to do' then you may be in trouble.
As for myself the life of a security guard is not very glamorous, has not benefits and not really any upward future. It is very much a dead end job that is best for old retired military men needing to get away from their wives for a few hours or fresh faced young adults who've just graduated from a college Corrections course or Police Foundations and need something to show they have been 'paying their dues' before getting pulled into a police academy.
For me, someone with a Television/Video diploma this is really not providing me any benifit at all.
So what options do I have?? I have taken a look at the local Job Bank and aside from knowing there is slim pickings it also shows me that just about anything I get at this point is going to be as dead end as what I am doing now.
There is the back to school option for something else but with that I have a two fold problem, ensuring that my school doesn't conflict with my son's school schedule, there is also the problem of OSAP and getting funded for going back to school.
At this point going back to school is out. I'm honestly not fully sure what I'd take if I did go back.
There is online and correspondence schooling, that is a better option but again there is the issue of funding/paying for it as with my current job things are already sliced toward the thin side of things.
Can't move too far forward in a job unless you have the proper schooling in order to show that you have the upper qualifications in order to advance.
Perhaps this is where a juggling act comes into play. Doing what you have to do to keep the costs of life as low as possible in order to get the funds aside you need to get back to school, while at the same time keeping your current job and maintaining a healthy relationship with friends and family all the while paying off the recurring bills you have.
Again this comes back to the job. If you don't have a job that will allow you to take home something each paycheck that can be put away then you will encounter a lot of problems in moving yourself forward.
I hope I've put something out there to be though about. I know that in reality this is only just scratching the surface and that it is a topic that can easily come up and be deepened in more posts to come.
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